Tag Archives: support

Reaching out for Help

What do you do when children of yours begin to show signs that they are in real trouble? They may be withdrawing, acting erratically or becoming extremely defiant. Behaviors may become so bad that you worry for their safety. As a parent, if you are beginning to feel helpless and overwhelmed about your child’s situation it is time to get some help. Sometimes just making the decision to reach out can alleviate some of the tension and sense of helplessness that you feel.

When behavior becomes a safety risk it is important to take action right away. In almost every city there is a mental health crisis team that can evaluate and assess children struggling with suicide, homicide, or extreme mental illness. Often they are available to come to your home 24-hours a day. Another option is to take your child to the nearest emergency room to be evaluated there. See local Santa Barbara Country Resources.

If the crisis is not so acute, it is still important to seek out help. Involving an objective healthcare professional, such as a therapist or doctor can really help. Having someone who is a trained listener can help your family express feelings about the situation. A professional is also able to assess the risk and make recommendations for how to resolve the crisis.

The best thing about a crisis is that it allows a family to address a situation that has been building for some time. Crisis symptoms such as rebellion, running away, depression, suicidal thoughts and cutting are all forms of communication that a child is feeling hopeless and overwhelmed by some aspect of their lives. Remember that there are resources to help.


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    Services for Families in Grief

    I went to a presentation by Hospice of Santa Barbara today. Their building is located on Alameda Padre Serra Road. An architect designed the inside of their offices to reflect a sense of peace, tranquility and spirituality. The design really creates a feeling of warmth; I was most taken by a circular room that was built into the middle of the office space. They described this circular room as their “sacred” place. In the room is a circular bench that wraps around the inside of the walls and feels like an intimate place to talk as a group. There is also a small table where messages can be written and rolled up and placed in nooks on a board. We were told that when the board fills up the messages are burned (perhaps to enter the realm of non-being). The most moving part of the tour was seeing the altar located in the open space of the offices. There were messages from children to their lost parents expressing love and sadness.

    Hospice focuses on providing support for those who are grieving. They provide individual and group therapy, as well as a variety of other services (all free of charge for the consumer).  They have numerous programs for children and families; parents can attend grief groups at the same time that their children attend groups for kids. I encourage you to learn more about this organization.



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